Q: Is this website safe to download?
A: Yes this website is completely safe to download from. All torrent files are carefully checked and ensured to be working.
Q: If there are no viruses, then why did my anti-virus pick up a trojan?
A: Anti-viruses are well-known for detecting cracks and tend to delete them automatically. The cracks are what makes these games work and allows you to play for free without purchasing the game. Just because your anti virus picks something up as a “threat” it doesn’t actually mean anything and is always a false positive.
Q: I tried open “torrent file” but nothing opened up?
A: You need To download uTorrent. To open Torrent file.
Q: My files are corrupted and/or missing after I downloaded the game? (Torrents Only)
A: Everytime you finish downloading a game. Right click on the game torrent and click “Force Re-Check”. This will scan the torrent and download any parts you are missing. If that didn’t help, 100% of the time your anti virus deleted the files of that particular game. Be sure to disable your anti virus and/or windows defender and re-download the torrent.
Q: Is there a limit on how many games we can request? Do you read them all?
A: Yes, I read all the requests on the requests page. You can request as many games as you’d like, but don’t spam otherwise you will be banned from commenting on the site.
Q: I’m having problems running my game. How do I reach you?
A: To fix common problems, check out the troubleshoot section. Make sure your anti virus is off, all drivers are updated, before asking for help.
Q: I want to share my content releated games?
A: Yes, Feel free to post your Games torrent, Parts, Single ISO, subtitles, samples, free download, quality, NFO, direct link, free link, uploaded.to, rapidgator, turbobit, bitshare, megaupload, filefactory, netload, crack, requirements or whatever-related comments here. Use only English, Read WEBSITE RULES before asking a question, Game Request. Owners of this website aren't responsible for content of comments.
Q: I want to make a YouTube video about your site? Can I do this?
A: Yes, feel free to make videos and tutorials on how to get games on this site.It actually helps For me, & People who want free Games.